Cover Reveal: Strands of Sorrow, Threads of Hope. A Book of Short Stories.

Final Cover  - Strands of Sorrow, Threads of Hope

A mother and daughter team up to create a book of short stories that shamelessly tugs at the reader’s emotions. Strands of Sorrow, Threads of Hope is a compilation of thirteen stories that will break the heart open with themes of loss, helplessness, jolting change and mistaken paths. For the reader who is willing to carefully untangle the words, within each strand of story sorrow there are threads of hope to be found.

Watch for this new title soon to be released on Amazon Smile

If you are interested in doing an advanced reading in order to provide a review on or close to the release date (approx. 1-2 hours of reading time) please let me know in the comments. I’ll soon be able to provide a mobi or epub file.

8 comments on “Cover Reveal: Strands of Sorrow, Threads of Hope. A Book of Short Stories.

  1. jackiemallon says:

    Congratulations! x

  2. Roy McCarthy says:

    Happy to review Francis.

  3. clareweiner says:

    Yep, might do a read and review in return for yours! … Though am a slow reader … when is publication date? How many pages?

  4. P. C. Zick says:

    Is this the book you’ve written about, using your mother’s writing? I’d be honored to receive an ARC for review.

    • I have two projects on the go with my mom’s writing – one is a piece of a manuscript for a full-length novel. This one is a collaboration on a few short stories juxtaposed with some of my own. I’ll have mobi and epub files by the weekend. I’ll be in touch. And many thanks.

I would really love to hear what you think about this post . . .