Rainy Garden Wednesday

Rain is grace; rain is the sky descending to the earth; without rain, there would be no life – John Updike

Apple blossom in the rain

Apple blossoms in the rain – how beautiful is that?

Iris in the rain

Iris in full bloom.

Mountain Bluet

On the blue theme: Mountain Bluet.

Rhodo in the rain

Rhododendron kissed with rain drops.

Rainbow down the slide 3

I caught this rainbow slipping down a slide area on the mountain across the lake.

Rainbow down the slide

8 comments on “Rainy Garden Wednesday

  1. evelynralph says:

    Reblogged this on evelynralph and commented:
    Wonderful Earth.

  2. Fantastically beautiful! Would love to see this place “in person” someday. 😊

  3. Joy in these shots…thanks

  4. jane tims says:

    Beautiful photos. You must be delighted to have Crater Lake #4 done. Can’t find my copy of Disappearing … so bought it and the new one on Kindle. Going to read them straight through.

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