Any Fool Can Know–Wednesday Wisdom

Smoke Bush - Bruce Witzel photo

“Any fool can know. The point is to understand.” Albert Einstein

A few days ago, my granddaughter and I went for a walk around the neighbourhood. I pointed out a particularly lovely Smoke Bush that was in full bloom. I told Britney how much I love the dusky colour and the way the feathery purple spikes really look like smoke coming from the bush. She nodded wisely, taking it all in the way she does.

Brit's new sweater - Guenette photo

When we were out yesterday, I saw her point out a Smoke Bush and tell her mom, “Grandma loves smoking bush.” Hmmm … I suppose that could be taken a few different ways. Then again, the point is to understand.

Smoke Bush 2 - Bruce Witzel photo

10 comments on “Any Fool Can Know–Wednesday Wisdom

  1. smilecalm says:

    i’m not sure i understand
    but a lot of people grow
    & smoke bush around here 🙂

  2. noelleg44 says:

    What a delight she is, Francis! I can see you have a lot of fun together!

  3. MariHoward says:

    Love your garden blogposts. We also have a smoke bush – from the photo I suspect they are more ebullient in your climate than ours … though ours is not yet in flower this year so we’ll see.

    • They are so dramatic that I have been wanting one for our very evergreen yard for some time. I suspect the climate here at my daughter’s is a bit of a better one but I’m determined to try and get that lovely, dusky purple in a featured spot somewhere in my garden, too.

  4. jane tims says:

    This is so cute. Once, when I was gathering pine needles to put on the ground under the Rhododendron, I noticed my son ( about 3) looking puzzled. He asked: why are we putting pine needles in the middle of the Road of Dendron?

  5. Too cute! Thanks for sharing. @sheilamgood at Cow Pasture Chronicles

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