Great Free Summer Reading

Books by Francis Guenette - Guenette photo

The e-book version of Disappearing in Plain Sight – first book in the Crater Lake Series – is free July 28th, 29th and 30th on the Amazon site of your choosing.


At the beginning of June, I ran a free promotion and told everyone it would be the last chance this summer for a no cost e-book copy of the first book in the Crater Lake Series. Circumstance have made a liar out of me. I feel like Air Canada announcing a final boarding call. No kidding, I was recently at the Vancouver airport waiting to board a plane to Ottawa and Air Canada called final boarding for a plane to Calgary no less than eight times. I promise not to play quite so loose with the word ‘final’ as that!

But do take advantage of this opportunity to start a great series of books for free! And if you’ve already read and enjoyed any of the Crater Lake Books, please spread the news to your reading connections that the first book can be had at no cost! Many thanks.

Books wash the soul

Tuesday Book Blog–Broken by Barbara Spencer

Broken cover by Barbara Spencer

Broken by Barbara Spencer

Genre: Family Life and Coming-of-Age

4 Reviews on – 4.5 average – believe me – this books deserves far more attention!

Book Description: When Jem Love’s family is torn apart by his mother’s drug habit, and his young brother and sister taken into care, Jem is determined to get his family back together. But what can a 14-year-old boy do in a world dominated by adults?

Jem complains that what he really needs is a god whom he can telephone for help, and who might just happen to have a spare angel or two to send him. He knows that’s pretty stupid, God is more likely to say he’s old enough to deal with the situation himself. In any case, likely candidates for the role are pretty thin on the ground. There’s only Katrina Jones, a hard drinking, wise-cracking social worker, and Spooky Jarvis who runs foul of the law as often as he has birthdays …

Barbara Specer author 2 Author Bio: In 1967, Barbara Spencer hi-tailed it to the West Indies to watch cricket, the precursor to a highly colourful career spanning three continents, in which she was caught up in riots, wars, and choosing Miss World. Eventually, she settled in Somerset to bring up a family. In 2010, the publication of Running, a teenage thriller, took Barbara countrywide. Passionate about the importance of books in today’s society, Barbara is happiest working with young would-be writers and is frequently invited into schools to talk about creative writing.

My Review:

A book that will break your heart and then restore your hope for humanity!

Sometimes you get lucky and happen upon a book that breaks your heart. Broken is such a book and Barbara Spencer is a writer who knows how to bring the reader along through the thick and the thin of trouble, right to edge of despair and then, like a magician, she waves her wand and makes it all come out right.

There are so many wonderful things to say about this book, I hardly know where to start. It is the rare author that can render the voice of a fourteen-year-old boy with as much depth and believability as she can bring to a somewhat hardened going-on-thirty social worker – but Spencer manages this feat hands down.

Then there is the writing – words flow through descriptions that leap off the page with vitality. I’m not going to say anything about the story – it has to be discovered for itself. But I will say this – at about the three-quarters mark, I wanted the book to end the way it did so badly I could scarce get my breath.

Read this book – you won’t be sorry. It will make you believe once again in happy endings that glitter like gold as they sit in the dustbin of cold, hard reality. Such is life and some truths of life are best rendered in fiction.

For more info on all Barbara Spencer’s books please visit her website.

Barbara blogs over on BlogSpot. Check her out!

Broken by Barbara Spencer on

Somerset - Google images

Cloudy Skies and Collages

Creating with collage!

Fran's Collage - July 2016

I’ve recently been reunited with all my collage material. It is pure joy to haul all the brown envelopes of magazine pics out, dump them all over the table and get busy creating. Collage is a wonderfully creative and therapeutic activity. Give it a try if you are trying to work something out. Whatever comes out of the process is bound to be enlightening.

Special Offer – A Chance to Read Stuart Campbell at a Discount!

An Englishman's Guide to Infidelity cover - updated                             The Making of Martin Mooney cover

The Making of Martin F. Mooney is free from July 15th to the 19th. An Englishman’s Guide to Infidelity is on sale for 99 cents on July 17th.

Here’s your chance to read a couple of books by a great author at a significant discount.

Let’s get to know Stuart.

Stuart Campbell author photo 2

Stuart Campbell began writing fiction in the eighties, but was diverted by the need to earn a living; those early literary efforts lie – thankfully – deep in landfill somewhere near London. After exiting the world of academia he restarted his affair with writing fiction in 2011. His first novel ‘The Play’s the Thing’ is a satire set in Bandicoot Ridge, a mountain village in Australia which finds itself at the centre of a bitter political battle. It has been revised and republished in 2016 as ‘The Making of Martin F. Mooney’.

He switches the setting to England for his second novel ‘An Englishman’s Guide to Infidelity’, a black comedy about middle-class morality gone wrong. His third novel ‘Cairo Mon Amour’ is a story of espionage, betrayal and love during the Yom Kippur War in 1973. Publication options are under discussion for ‘Cairo Mon Amour’.

Stuart is a member of the ‘Write On!’ writers group in Sydney, which recently published the paperback anthology ‘With Gusto!’ An introduction by Stuart’s alter ego, the late Raymond Saucisson, editor of Charcuterie Monthly, is included.

Stuart Campbell author photo 3Stuart was formerly a Professor of Linguistics and a Pro Vice Chancellor at Western Sydney University. He has published numerous books, chapters and research articles in the areas of translation studies and Arabic linguistics. Stuart holds the title of Emeritus Professor. Born in London, Stuart has lived in Sydney since the seventies.



Now, a closer look at Stuart’s books.

An Englishman's Guide to Infidelity cover - updated

Title: An Englishman’s Guide to Infidelity

Genre: Mystery, Thriller, Suspense and more than a bit of wry humour

Description: Jack Walsingham’s comfortable life is under pressure. With his bookshop going broke and past indiscretions catching up, Jack begins to dabble in embezzlement. Meanwhile, his wife Thea, frustrated by a dead end in her career, is experimenting with some genteel theft of her own. But soon the couple are out of their depth, blackmailed by a figure from the past and implicated in two grisly killings. Their salvation comes in the form of Detective Sergeant Fiona Salmon, a recently widowed book-loving gym addict on the edge of an emotional melt-down. A bizarre triangle develops, in which Thea, Jack, and Fiona each find their own version of redemption in the face of betrayal and infidelity. An Englishman’s Guide to Infidelity is at once a psychological thriller, a crime mystery, a dark comedy, and a love story.

17 Reviews with an average rating of 4.8

My Five-Star Amazon Review: A highly enjoyable mystery that plumbs the depths of human foibles

People see the world through very personal and often flawed lenses. A good author gently leads the reader into a character’s thoughts and actions. At some point, the reader is forced to question the character’s take on what’s happening. An Englishman’s Guide to Infidelity, proves Stuart Campbell to be particularly deft in his ability to create unreliable narrators.

The book opens with Jack and Thea, busy parents, a typical couple, as they prepare for a dinner out to celebrate their wedding anniversary. It isn’t long before it is patently obvious that dark currents lurk beneath the surface of both these people. By the end of the first chapter any illusions of normalcy are long gone. Thea is an ethics professor who lacks ethics and Jack is relating that there are ten university degrees among his fellow group of inmates awaiting trial at the Remand Center.

And so the reader enters a roller-coaster ride as the author moves deftly from Jack’s perspective, to that of a young police woman who struggles with her own issues when she is pulled into a murder investigation, to Thea’s. It isn’t long before the reader comes to see that not one of these characters can be trusted.

The writing is smooth and delicious. A couple of old people move like a pair of flapping galleons; a father speaks like a piece of stainless steel medical equipment, when he speaks at all; an apartment is sparsely furnished with desperately modern pieces and abstract paintings that veered between the decorative and the sadomasochistic.

A thoroughly enjoyable read, a mystery that unfurls with just enough twists and turns to keep readers guessing right to the closing pages.

The Making of Martin Mooney cover                                    

Title: The Making of Martin F. Mooney

Genre: Satirical, literary fiction

4 Reviews on – all five stars!

Description: Professor Martin Mooney is nudging fifty. His record of questionable liaisons with female students is catching up with him, and the book that was to seal his reputation has flopped. He’s ready to leave academia for the next battleground – politics. In the high country inland from Sydney, Australia, his on-and-off girlfriend Lana is fighting a Herculean battle to retain her parliamentary seat. But Martin’s scheming triggers a vicious political intrigue in the tiny hill town of Bentwood Ridge: Will the village end up with a terrorist training camp or a gigantic liquor warehouse next to its community theatre? Can Bentwood Ridge survive the forces of good and evil that are closing in as the election approaches? And will Martin choose love over betrayal in his quest for political ascendancy?

My Five Star Review: A superbly crafted novel that will have you laughing out loud!

“If it works it works,” she said stroking an old cat with a pink tumour on its head. “But if it doesn’t, well, the plays the thing.” And thus, Violet, the chain-smoking, oddly-dressing, Bandicoot Ridge community theatre director sums up the point of this book.

Stuart Campbell’s book, The Making of Martin F. Mooney, is a must read if you like well-drawn characters that come off real enough to be your rural neighbours, hilarious and kooky plot twists that will have you laughing out loud and a satisfying ending that ties it all up with equal doses of irony and sentiment.

I won’t ruin any of the fun with lengthy plot synopsis or character spoilers but I will say, there is a sock-you-in-the-gut realness about this book that will have readers shaking their heads in recognition – we know the type and we’ve been there! Now, maybe the community play we attended didn’t end with the cast being sprayed with pig’s blood and maybe our small town isn’t divided between the meditation whistlers and the meditation chanters but truth is often stranger than fiction and I’m betting many a rural dweller can come up with equally bizarre situations.

Case in point – a group of elderly tourists make their way to the community theatre only to be stunned that they won’t see a production that had been put on two years ago – they had gotten their information from a poster in town. This is the type of small town situation that rings so true it simply cannot be faked.

Not only is this a novel with delicious plot twists, fall off your chair hilarity and deeper social meaning – it is a highly crafted work that other authors will enjoy while applauding points of style. Campbell handles the art of ironic wit with just the right balance. He makes point-of-view shifts between characters seem absolutely seamless. The reader is never jarred.

In conclusion – the reader participates in this novel just as the Bandicoot Ridge audience does, “… with joy in that infinitely complex and incomprehensible distillation of human interaction – the theatre.”

Please check out Stuart’s books, The Making of Martin Mooney, and, An Englishman’s Guide to Infidelity. You won’t be disappointed by the price or the quality.