Time for Truth–Overtime, in Fact

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Yes, that really is fresh salad greens in the winter! Gardening on Northern Vancouver Island means never having to say there is nothing in the garden to eat.

Onto a more important level of truth. This evening, I’m giving a shout out to fellow writer, Nicki Chen. She blogs over on Behind the Story. Her most recent post, A Season of Truth, is a heartfelt plea for something that should be a given – truth, the telling of the truth, bearing witness with integrity and transparency. Describing her relief that a veritable blizzard of lies has now departed her country, she moves onto a wonderful discussion of how truth is layered into fiction writing. Fiction – the lie by which we tell the truth.

Please, follow the link below. Nicki writes with a beauty that leaves me more than a bit intimidated.

A Season of Truth – Behind the Story (nickichenwrites.com) 

And if you have a minute, check out my author interview on my Location, Location, Location Series, of Nicki’s book, Tiger Tail Soup. She provided some great photos and wonderful insights into her writing process.

Location, Location, Location–Tiger Tail Soup by Nicki Chen « disappearinginplainsight