The Lull that Follows the Marathon Race


I’ve been wandering around the cabin the last couple of days in a strange state – something between dazzled and terrified. Part of me wants to hide under the covers until this exposed feeling passes. I’ve just published The Light Never Lies up to Amazon in its Kindle format and it seems as though I’ve launched a piece of myself into cyberspace. I remember this experience from a year ago when Disappearing in Plain Sight made its way into the public realm.

I’m thinking this never gets easier – one book, two books, or a dozen books down the road. They’ll always feel like my own children set to run free in the great, big world. Are they ready? Did I prepare them well enough? What will people think of them? What will people think of me? And on and on it goes.

Took some time from obsessing yesterday (okay, seriously, how many checks of your sales report on Amazon per day does make you obsessive?) to read Chuck Wendig’s lengthy take on how self-published authors are destroying the universe. Okay, he didn’t exactly say that and he does make some good points. No doubt my sense of exposure after just thrusting my own self-published work into the public realm effected my thoughts.

Wendig’s (sometimes profane but always in a chuck-ling fashion) premise states that the sheer volume and sometimes poor quality of self-published work out on Amazon (and other sites) does have an effect on all self-published authors, whether we realize it or not. The poor quality of self-published work is what keeps doors closed to the self-published authors who produce good stuff – review sites, brick and mortar, independent book stores and trade publications. If you have time, do go over and give his post a read. Mark Coker (founder of Smashwords) gets in on the debate via the comment section and his thoughts are always worth tuning into.

Went to search out the link on Wendig’s piece and realized fellow blogger Kevin Brennan has also written about Chuck’s post. Check out what Kevin has to say over on What the Hell blog.

Time for that blatant old plug – pop over to Amazon and give my latest novel, The Light Never Lies, consideration. If you’re in the Kindle book buying mood – maybe a bit curious, like George in the picture below – the cost is less than a fancy latte and will hopefully provide more sustenance. Though one should never knock the power of a good latte!


21 comments on “The Lull that Follows the Marathon Race

  1. smilecalm says:

    how wonderful to express creativity
    then, like enlightened parents
    gentle let it grow, let it go 🙂


  3. Thanks for the mention, Fran! It’s all quite a sticky wicket, eh? 😉

  4. Relax and enjoy the fact that your latest book is on Amazon…you deserve it, Francis!
    This is the 4th post I’ve read today that has mentioned Wendig’s blog…I must check him out.

  5. […] news over on my wife Francis' blog – she has just released the e-book version of her new novel. Set against the backdrop of Northern Vancouver Island, The […]

  6. I also read Chuck’s post this morning – Russell Blake got a bit heated in the comments and made me chuckle too. I tend to agree with Russell though – the cream will eventually rise to the top. Congratulations on your new book – of course it is the cream.

  7. Gwen Stephens says:

    Reminds me a bit of the teaching profession. Every year I thought the job would get easier — I had another year of experience under my belt, newer and better materials with which to teach, but it never, ever got easier. Each class was a whole new batch of students with unique personalities and needs. There was always room to improve my teaching skills and always something new to learn. I’m beginning to see the parallel in writing. Maybe we never truly master it because with each new manuscript, we’re starting over again.

    • Such a great analogy, Gwen. My experience of teaching is much like yours – every class presented unique challenges and I wanted my approach to continually evolve. Otherwise, what was the point of requesting feedback and keeping a teaching journal and trying to hone my skills? Writing is very much the same. If each foray into the trenches is not improving skills, what’s the point? So, ya – hard reality – but each time is starting all over again. Better just get used to it 🙂

  8. P. C. Zick says:

    It feels the same every single time. Even though I love being an Indie Author and eBook publishing, there’s nothing that beats holding a very real book of your own in your hands. Here’s to the success of The Light Never Lies.

    • Thanks, Patricia. I agree with the real book thing. I am waiting on the 2nd proof from CreateSpace for the softcover edition of The Light Never Lies. The first had some issues with the beautiful cover that I just wanted to be perfect. I sell a lot of real books in a local market which involves being right there when a person interested in buying is looking at the book. Boy, oh boy – at a moment like that I want to feel the presentation is as good as I can make it.

I would really love to hear what you think about this post . . .