A Week in Photos

In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer – Albert Camus

Hellebore 2017

Hellebore – I am in love with this new addition to our garden – a rose like blossoms that comes to life in the dead of winter.

Multi-level solar greenhouse

Our solar greenhouse-guest room-tool shed is coming along. The colours are especially pleasing to me.

Taking a breather

A bright, blue sky day, frost on the ground … caught the builder taking a break.

Ice Sculpture 2017

Ice sculpture BC style. No, we don’t have broken pipes. We just need to leave the water running so we don’t end up with frozen pipes.

Ice Sculpture 2017 - 2


Snow at the lake

And then came the snow. Not exactly #snowpocolypse but very pretty.

Snowy view from my desk

The view from my desk makes it hard to keep working. I want to go out and play in the snow.

Icy Tentacles Twisting into New Social Media Realms

North Island Ice Sculpture - Francis L. Guenette

Still cold in these parts! This photo is of a primitive ice sculpture we created when the water was still running and we were spraying it out of the hose in the hopes of keeping it from freezing up.

With the publication of my second novel, The Light Never Lies, I’ve decided to explore a new author’s group – The Independent Author Network.

William Potter, webpage magician over at IAN, has just set-up my author page. Please check it out. I love the sleek presentation. Feel free to share it around on your social media sites.

Looking forward to interacting with a whole bunch of new writing-minded people who are twisting their own icy tentacles through this social media world, learning and sharing about being indie authors as they go.

I’ll leave you today with a picture of what cold feels like. Stay warm where ever you are, my friends.

through the luminary lens